In a brief reprieve this week from our house of sickness, the kids and I were able to enjoy a morning of fun with our good friends Annalayne and Leeanne Lackey at the pool on Tuesday. While some of the bugs still remain, Jared is sick now and Noah has a new sore throat (we are awaiting his 24 hour strep test results) we did have a couple of days to enjoy our slightly cooler weather this week. Here are a couple of pictures of the kids enjoying rest/snack time at the pool.
In a comic twist on my strep throat, I started my penicillin on Monday with no problems as usual. By Monday night I had a very itchy rash on my back after taking some Benadryl it stopped itching and started to go away. Tuesday morning within 10 minutes of taking my third dose of penicillin the rash had spread over my whole body, needless to say, I am now allergic to penicillin and had to call the doctor and get a new prescription. It seems as though I am finally on the road to recovery, if I could just get everyone else well and life back to "normal".
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