Here we are a couple of months later and our garden has grown from a patch of dirt and a few small plants to the bounty shown here.
But the picture that shows the most growth is this one....
The garden has exploded and we are starting to reap the rewards of our watering, weeding, and other work, but these three have grown even more. Noah will be 4 on Sept. 10, Seth 3 in Oct., and Riley will be 2 in Nov., we have spent the last 4 years feeding, nurturing, loving, and teaching them everyday. I have spent countless hours in prayer on their behalf and praying for God's wisdom and grace in raising them. And while we do see some rewards for all of this work, I know that it may be years and decades before we see the end results of some of this work. In fact, we might never see the results of some of our work.
It has been an amazing 4 years of motherhood, both harder and more fantastic then I could ever have imagined and there is not one single moment I would trade for anything in this world. Each moment is precious and fleeting. Watching them grow alongside the garden is visible proof of how quickly it all happens and how brief our time to nurture them really is. There are times I wish I could slow everything down and truly appreciate each second before it is gone, of course I would be lying if I didn't admit that there are also times I would love to fast forward through, but there is nothing I would rather be doing. I have been given 3 of the most precious and wonderful of God's creations to love and help grow, what could possibly be better? Now if it was just as easy to keep safe as that garden behind them!!!!
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