I am a little bit late this week. It has just been one of those weeks around here. Maybe I'm letting the weather affect my outlook. We started the week in the high 70's with sunshine, we ended the week in the low 40's and rain, yuck!!! Oh well, I am looking forward to spring, I love seeing the flowers and trees bloom and getting started on our garden. I can already taste the fresh tomatoes we will be eating later this summer.
It was not a great week for my accomplishing the Small Things, but I did really enjoy lighting a candle to make the house smell good. I went with a lemonade candle in the hopes of making it feel more like spring inside.
Most of my week can be seen in the pictures on my previous post if you are interested in taking a look.
My gratitude list for the week:
1. A loving and gracious God.
2. A wonderful family, both here and all over the country.
3. A warm house on this cold, rainy day.
4. Wonderful friends.
5. New babies being born all around me; although this does make me want another one.
6. A fantastic Mother's group at my church.
Hope you all have a great week.
Your kiddos are so precious! Thanks for sharing the photos. We enjoyed some sun earlier this week too, but it's supposed to rain tomorrow. =\ Lots of babies born recently that we know of too.
You are more than welcome to get a "baby fix" by holding my newborn baby! That is of course if he EVER Comes (39 weeks and 3 days and counting!) I love your pics of your kids---too cute! Leeanne
You know I'll take you up on that. Anytime you need a break I'm here. We are counting with you, can't wait to meet baby Leighton.
Such cute kiddos!
Sounds like ya'll had the same kind of weather we did. At least the warm weather is on it's way back!
Thanks for stopping by!
I am ready for some home grown tomatoes too! I just hope this year they actually bloom. Last year's crop wasn't so good---it definitely made me sad. Thanks for stopping by! I hope you have a blessed week.
I've never heard of a lemonade candle but that sounds really fresh and yummy! I baked cookies, ate some, ate some more and enjoyed the smell :).
We've had dreary weather here, too, but we've needed the rain so badly that I won't complain. It has made it easy to be inside with my hot tea and sniffley nose. I'd be feeling very sad if everyone else got to be outside enjoying the nice days and I was the only one sick inside. Misery loves company?
I love the pics of the kids painting and coloring! Still in their jammies! So great. I was painting in my jammies yesterday too.
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