My helpers
Green mashed potatoes

What it looked like on the plate.

Good morning Company Girls, friends, and family. Come in a help yourself to a cup of coffee or tea this morning. I'm posting early this week, because we are headed out of town for the weekend. Today is my dad's birthday!!HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD! We are headed to Northern KY to celebrate with him this weekend.
We celebrated St. Patrick's Day with fun this year. The kids all wore green, and boys had special green snacks at preschool. I made Corned Beef and Cabbage with mashed potatoes, which Seth and I dyed green. I tried to tell Seth (3 year old) that he is very Irish, but he got very upset with me and said, "No, I'm not Irish mommy, I'm Sethie." Hopefully, one day he will understand and be proud of his Irish heritage.
The rest of the week was full of preschool and a preschool playdate with friends from church. Jared also tilled up the garden in anticipation of planting in a few weeks. I can't wait.
As for the Small Things this week, I was pretty good at completely them. My favorite was going green on St. Patrick's Day, as this is something we strive for daily. We use cloth napkins, I wash almost everything in cold water, we recycle to the point that we only put out 2 bags of trash on trash day, and for 5 people that's pretty good. I have quit using swiffer sheets and just use a microfiber cloth on my swiffer. We are not perfect in this area, never will be, but we try to be good steward's of our part of the earth and world.
I am really looking forward to working on today's Small Thing. I need to work on all of those areas in my life and this is a great way to start making time for them. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and are able to start next Monday feeling "recharged"