It's Friday again and time for Company Girl Coffee. It's been a great week, and as always I was very excited to get the verse for the month. I love the artwork Rachel Anne puts with the verse and I love the new verse and the way it always seems to speak to me.
My favorite Small Thing this month was spending time with my baby. During this season of my life, spending time with each child individually is a challenge. I try my best to spend some time each day with each child, but with 3 kids with the ages of 4, 3, and 2, it is not an easy task. On Tuesday I was able to spend some great time one-on-one with Noah. While the younger two kids took their naps, Noah and I finished a Lite Brite picture and finished a puzzle. It's amazing how relaxing these activities were with only one 4 year old and not the whole gaggle that usually participates. We finished our time alone with a shared cup of hot chocolate, a great treat on a cold afternoon. It was a great afternoon and I loved having that time with my first baby.
isn't spending time with kids the best??????? good luck in getting one on one time!
Your blog is beautiful! So glad you were able to spend some one on one time with your little one. At one point, I had a 5yo, 2yo, and newborn twins. Many days we just coped - I wish I would have let the laundry sit another day and enjoyed each of my babies a little more. Enjoy those moments!
My first baby is 34 years old and I still love spending special time with her but since she's got four small kids of her own those times are few and far between!
Enjoy while you can!
I love it when you get to spend time with just one at a time...it doesn't happen often but it makes you really appreciate each one that much more. Plus less squabbling :)
I love this months verse, too. I can't get it out of my mind. I have a lot of fun with the backgrounds. some of them are my own creations, and some are things I've found on istock photo. This one is an istockphoto background and I thought it was perfect.
Thanks for inviting me to visit! Have a great weekend. :)
I agree with you. Spending time with the kids is the best. I love spending time with my girls. They are the apples of my eye.
OH! My baby is named Noah! He's 6. I love loving on him. He's such a gret cuddler. But my oldest is 12 and he needs that one on one time just as much. Right now he's really been needing dad more. I am blessed that his daddy makes time to give him what he needs. Enjoy your guys--too soon they will be 12!
Some of my best memories/most cherished moments with my little ones are when one has been sent to his/her room and I am alone with the other. They are just completely different apart fron their siblings aren't they?
God Bless you and your time with little ones. They grow WAY! too fast.
~esthermay @The Heart of a Pastor's Wife
I have the verse of the month saved as my wallpaper. I love turning on my computer and being reminded of God's incredible love!
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