Welcome Company Girls, friends, and family. It has been a crazy week at our house and I'm trying to get some last minute chores finished this Friday afternoon.
I worked a few more hours than usual this week, but extra money is always helpful this time of year. I attended the staff Christmas party for the YMCA on Sunday evening and had a nice evening of food and fellowship. On Monday, my normal 3 hour night shift at the Y. Wed. the boys had their last day of preschool and on Thursday morning we attended their Christmas concert. It was their last day with their friends as we have removed them from that program. That is a very long story, but essentially we were very unhappy with some things going on at their preschool and decided they were better off not continuing there. I have since found out that we are not the only ones and no less than 5 other children from the two classes are also not returning after Christmas.
Last night Jared and I were able to attend a special sneak preview of the movie, Marley & Me. I recommend it to anyone except maybe small children. It was a very funny and heartwarming movie and not just for women, my husband also enjoyed the movie very much.
Today we found out that our middle child, Seth, will be having surgery on Tuesday morning. This summer he closed his hand in the back of the sliding door on our minivan and it froze the top joint of his thumb in a bent locked position. It is an outpatient surgery to release the tendon in his thumb, but it does require him to be put under anesthesia because of his age. If I might ask for your prayers for this surgery. None of my children have ever required surgery and the unknown and typical mother anxieties make me nervous.
My favorite small things this week were getting points for lighting a candle, something I love to do anyway, and today's small thing of getting points for doing something of my choosing, especially since this has been a very busy day/week. At least, I'll get some points for getting all of my laundry done today or was that scrubbing the bathtub.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. I will update everyone next week on the outcome of Seth's surgery.