Good morning everyone. I started this morning by meeting a fellow Company Girl for the first time this morning. ( I will post a picture later today) It was a blessing meeting Sweetie this morning for some coffee before she went to tape at the studio. God is doing some amazing work through her and I look forward to hearing more about her work and getting to know her better.

The boys did a soccer clinic this week and had a great time. Yesterday, at the final clinic they were each given a certificate, a new soccer ball, and a t-shirt. I thought they would love having their own balls that they didn't have to share, but I was wrong. Their favorite thing was the t-shirt, for the rest of the day they proudly wore their new t-shirts and told anyone who would listen about them.
As for Small Things this week. I loved them all. I have been working hard at letting the kids figure out how to some things on their own, so I loved getting points for that. I also loved yesterday's Pause for refreshment. This one is harder with 3 small children, but an excellent reminder that we all need a little bit of time. I opted to join the kids in enjoying an Ice Pop while we played in our kiddie pool in the backyard.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.