The weekend at our house was a washout. We started the weekend with Seth having a fever on Thursday and Friday, this was after Riley having a fever on Tuesday and Wednesday, and Noah getting a fever on Friday night. Sometime during the night I, Camille, started with a fever, stomachache, and headache on Friday. This was followed by a weekend of Jared taking care of everyone while I slept the better part of the weekend.
While everyone else got better, I did not. Finally after not sleeping last night and barely being able to swallow or sleep Sunday night, I went to the doctor this morning where they confirmed what I already knew (I know what you're thinking and you are wrong) I have strep throat. This lead to Jared spending a couple of hours at the pediatrician's office getting all of the kids tested for strep throat, thankfully they were all negative.
I think Jared is ready to go back to work. He made the comment on Sunday, " I can't wait for you to feel better, I'm exhausted". I replied, "Why are you exhausted, this is my everyday", except he didn't clean the house or do laundry. Oh well, at least I got to sleep through most of my fever, aches and pains, and the kids got feed and played with.
Prayer for the President of the United States
4 years ago