I thought I'd post a little bit about each of the kids.
What can you say about a child that surprises you from the beginning. We were told we were having a girl, so imagine our surprise when Noah was born. No, we did not know ahead of time, in fact we did not know until several minutes after he was born, because they were so sure he was a girl. Life has been quite a ride ever since his arrival.
He loves to play, he is definitely all boy, but he is the sweetest little boy I have ever know. When his brother was born a short 13 months later, he was never jealous, he would sit beside me and rub Seth's head constantly, it's a good thing Seth was bald, or Noah would have rubbed the hair off his head.
Currently he goes to Mother's Day Out 1 day a week and loves it. He asks all the time when he gets to go to "school". Other than that he loves going to the Zoo, playing at the park, and riding his tricycle.
He could not be more different from his brother, except for the sweetness and their looks. I get asked on a daily basis if they are twins. Seth is our clown and daredevil. He is not afraid to try anything, he loves to climb and swing, basically he's a monkey in little boy clothes. Seth loves to do anything and everything that Noah does and is not afraid to get hurt if that means he can do it also. I had to reschedule his 2 year-old pictures three times due to a busted lip, a black eye, and a giant scratch on his cheek.
Seth is fearless, which scares me to death when I think about the future. He also loves the zoo, the park, and riding his tricycle. He loves to tease you and his favorite expression right now is "That funny, that funny mommy."
Last but certainly not least. Our second surprise in as many years, but this time we got to use all of those girl clothes we had been given the first time. She was my early birthday present last year, Nov. 29, 2006 and the best 30th birthday present I could have asked for. She is the happiest, quietest baby I have ever known.
She loves to follow her brothers around the house and is quite certain she can do everything they can do. She loves to blow kisses and tell people bye-bye. She is well protected by Noah and Seth, which she is not going to appreciate when she is around 15.
She started walking in early December and she looks funny. At only 16 pounds and 27 inches tall, she looks like a 6 month old walking, but boy can she get around now. Every night she likes to help put her brothers to bed before she goes to sleep and lets you know if she feels left out of anything.
Currently, she loves anything the boys love, because that means she is getting to do it to.